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One of the biggest obstacles facing business owners is learning how to delegate. When you are in charge, you want things done a certain way. Sometimes it can feel like only you can do that thing the “right” way.

But delegating is crucial for the success of any business. There are more than a few things to consider when learning how to delegate.

Why Delegate?

The old saying is, “if you want to do something right, you have to do it yourself.” So, why delegate at all? Because no one person can do everything themselves. If anything, that leads to faster failure than sharing the load.

Failing to delegate means either failing to give a task your full attention or ignoring it altogether. Before long, crucial operations can go by the wayside and the business will find itself in trouble. Delegating means sharing the load, ensuring that everything that requires attention is getting just that.

When to Delegate

If you aren’t sure how to approach passing some work off, start with learning when to do so. There are a few telltale signs. For one, not having time to complete tasks that have been put before you.

There is also a chance that someone in the organization is just better at the task. Maybe you want a team member to get more experience in a specific area. Or maybe you have more pressing concerns and need to restructure your time. There are plenty of situations where delegating is more than normal and completely okay.

How to Delegate?

The hard part has arrived. There are a few steps, like deciding the importance of completion. If it is something that has to be completed by a leader, delegation may not be the right path. But if it is something that you can afford to hand off, do so.

Refining that delegation can mean listing out what needs to be done and who will handle the task. This way, you can physically see who will handle what. It is a great visualization of delegation.